Interesting articles about Salem and its Ministry Center partners as published in the Star Tribune, Southwest Journal and other community media outlets.
3 Churches Go Condo
The Star Tribune explains the incredible journey of how Salem English Lutheran Church, Lyndale UCC, and First Christian Church came together under one roof.
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A New Way Forward
The Southwest Journal features the 5 year transitional journey of Salem English Lutheran Church, written by Dylan Thomas on March 19, 2012. Thomas focuses on the unique partnership of three churches sharing one building.
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SpringHouse Ministry Center Opens
An article written in OurUptown Minneapolis News & Opinion by Thatcher Imboden on February 7, 2012, announcing the opening of the SpringHouse Ministry Center.
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SpringHouse Ministry Center: Three churches, three traditions in the Lyn-Lake Neighborhood
The Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA announces the partnership of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Lyndale United Church of Christ and our own Salem English Lutheran Church sharing one building.
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