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Sunday Mornings at Salem

Worship at 9:30 am – All are Welcome!

Regular Sunday worship services are at 9:30 am, in person and on YouTube.  *During the summer we worship at Minnehaha Regional Park Wabun Pavilion G on July 28 at 10:30 am, and August 18 at 10:30 am. Details below

Coffee Fellowship immediately following worship

Children are always welcome in worship with an area just for them, but child care is available in our nursery/squiggle space.

Here’s how to join us:

In person: Join us in person at 610 West 28th Street, Minneapolis. Check the board in the building’s entryway to see which sanctuary we are currently worshiping in.

Online: Go to the Salem YouTube Channel or click on the RED live stream button at the top of this page. Check out our Facebook page on Sunday morning for a post  with the link.

If you have questions, contact ">Pastor Rhonda  for further information.

Reformation Sunday—October 27

Two important events will be happening at Salem on Reformation Sunday. It will be Bible Sunday and we will gather after worship for our annual Reformation Feast. Here’s what you need to know.

Bible Presentation & Blessing

It’s time for our kids and youth to receive new Bibles that are age appropriate. We will have our children and youth in worship to receive their Bibles as well as a congregational blessing. Don’t miss this great opportunity to celebrate the very heart of the Reformation—the Word of God.

Reformation Feast

After worship, plan to stay for our Reformation Feast. This year we will be pulling out the grill and cooking some good quality bratwurst and hotdogs (as well as a meatless option) to headline our meal.  We will pull out the Reformation Trivia, our photo booth props, and some other Reformation fun—you won’t want to miss it!

We are looking to have people sign up if you are planning to attend, so we have numbers for food. We are also looking for people to bring toppings and sides for our meal. To RSVP and sign up to bring toppings or sides, click on the link in the eblast or sign up on the clipboard in the back of the sanctuary in worship this week. Oh, and don’t forget to wear RED!

Adult Faith Formation

Watch for more opportunities coming this fall!

Advent Festival Decoration & Potluck

Mark your calendars for November 24, Christ the King Sunday, when we will gather after worship to launch ourselves into Advent with a potluck meal, decorating the sanctuary, and even some crafts. Don’t miss this great annual tradition! 

Looking Ahead to Lefse!

That’s right—the time has come to get our annual Salem lefse making event on your calendar so you don’t miss it. This year we are moving it back to a Saturday morning in December because doing it on a Sunday seems to make the day really long. We hope you will be able to join us for this fun and YUMMY annual event.

Saturday December 14: 9 am—12 pm. No experience necessary

We will be seeking lefse griddles, rollers, and turners…as well as people to work them…sign up in the sanctuary so we have an idea of how many potatoes to start ricing.

Children’s Ministry/Sunday School

Kids from birth to age 9 are invited to come to the Squiggle Space on Sunday mornings! From 9 am—12 pm there is supervision for our youngest SpringHouse members. So bring your kids by to play, craft, and to have some fun.

Youth Ministry

Youth group is happening on Sundays and YOU are invited! Here are the things you need to know:

This time is open to youth ages 10-18 years old. ALL are welcome!

 Sundays from 10:00-10:40 am

Open Youth Room Hours: (time to just hang out with Youth Minister Chelsea and any others who are around) Sundays 9:00-10:00am and 10:40 am-12:30 pm



Thank you all for your giving. From our musicians who offer their incredible talent to our streaming team, the gifts make a difference. From the checks that come in the mail that fulfill a pledge or offer a special gift in honor of something important to the regular giving that happens all online, the gifts make a difference. From tying a blanket or packing a meal to reading a lesson or attending a council meeting, your gifts make a difference. Your gifts make a difference, and our community is grateful.

SpringHouse Partners

Salem’s home is the SpringHouse Ministry Center, a shared, sustainable facility that anchors three churches with distinct identities and rich histories. Salem shares SpringHouse Ministry Center with partner congregations Lyndale United Church of Christ and First Christian Church. Learn more >

The Church is Not a Building – Safe Reopening Update

As we continue to be aware of COVID news, you can be sure that we are both taking the health and safety of everyone at Salem and SpringHouse seriously AND doing everything we can to keep gathering.

Moving forward in worship, masks are strongly encouraged but not mandatory.

We DO ask you to wear a mask:

  • If you have a cold, or are not 100%
  • If you have no symptoms but have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID
  • If you are at high risk of infection or complications
  • If you care for/live with someone who is at high risk